Jillian Michaels Discusses the Future of Fitness (Full Article via Mediaplanet)

Photo of Jillian Michaels by James Law

LET’S GET PHYSICAL: Fitness guru extraordinaire Jillian Michaels dishes on the expanded fitness possibilities thanks to innovations in technology. From a workout regimen prescribed through your smartwatch to gadgets that count everything from steps to calories, technology has become an integral part of personal fitness. Health and fitness expert Jillian Michaels says that’s a good thing. “Technology provides access to expert instruction affordably. It also gives people access to detailed health and fitness info. They can make educated choices that yield powerful results and functions as a source of motivation that allows people to set goals and track progress.”

Want an expert opinion? Choose wisely.

For Michaels, technology is just another tool she can utilize to help people get healthier. “I’ll take advantage of any tool I can use to help people get healthy in an easily accessible and affordable way. Technology allows me to literally train millions of people around the world.”

Everyday people are taking advantage, too. According to mobile analytics firm Flurry, health and fitness app usage in the US grew by 330 percent between 2014 and 2017. However, not all fitness technology is created equal. Also, Michaels says it’s important to put quality and safety first, whether you use Nike Training Club, Lose It!, Michaels’ own My Fitness or some other product.

“Like everything in life, there are true experts and then there are snake oil salesmen. Consumers should look at the source of the information behind the technology, because credibility is key.”

She says there’s a good way to gauge whether or not your chosen technology is working. Simply compare real-life results with your device’s output. “If it doesn’t add up, consider getting a different device or app.”

The future is bright

From shirt sensors that track your heart rate to cameras that can predict injuries before they occur, there’s no shortage of fitness-related innovation on the horizon. Michaels says possibilities — like virtual training with your favorite fitness personality, linking up with friends online to work out at home and live streaming your favorite workouts — are truly limitless. “In truth, I am sure there are amazing things in the pipeline we can’t imagine yet. I can’t wait to find out.”

Employee Engagement 

JILL COODY SMITS, editorial@mediaplanet.com

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